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ELTE Business Economics Summer University 2020

Liebe Studierende, 

vom 13.07.2020 bis 18.07.2020 bietet die ELTE Budapest Summer University eine englischsprachige Summer School an.

Bewerbungsfrist: 30. Juni 2020 (Frühbucher: 30. April 2020)

Weitere Informationen finden Sie >> hier. 


ELTE BESU, a part of the ELTE Budapest Summer University, offers six one-week courses for undergraduate and graduate students of business and economics. The courses involve 25 hours of instruction, and students completing them successfully will get a transcript they may use to obtain ECTS credit from their home institutions. Courses offered:

Managerial Accounting: Information in Business Decision-making

Business Communication Skills

International Business Networks

Corporate financial analysis – An Integrated Approach

Strategic Brand Management

Informal Logic for Business

Course fee: 350 EUR;  early bird fee: 280 EUR


E-mail: sumuni@gti.elte.hu

Website: https://gti.elte.hu/sumuni

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eltebesu/

Instagram: elte.besu https://www.instagram.com/elte.besu/

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