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Winter Programmes an der Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano)

Liebe Studierende, 

im Januar 2022 können Sie an den Winter Programmes der Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore teilnehmen. Unsere Partneruniversität in Mailand bietet die folgenden 2 bzw. 3-wöchigen Kurse (jeweils 44 Std., 6 ECTS) an:

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Geopolitics and technological changes: the future today
  • Personal Branding: Impact, Influence and Effectiveness in the Workplace
  • Business, Government and the Global Economy
  • Green Management and Sustainability

Anschließend besteht auch die Möglichkeit, ein virtuelles Praktikum in einem italienischen Unternehmen zu absolvieren. 

Mehr Informationen dazu finden Sie >>> hier und hier

Interne Bewerbungsfrist: 20. Oktober 2021

Dear students, 

The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan is offering the chance to participate in their Winter Programmes in January 2022. You will have the chance to attend one of the following 2- to 3-week courses (44 hours, 6 ECTS each):

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Geopolitics and technological changes: the future today
  • Personal Branding: Impact, Influence and Effectiveness in the Workplace
  • Business, Government and the Global Economy
  • Green Management and Sustainability

After finishing the course(s), you can also opt for a virtual internship at an Italian company to further develop your professional skills

Click  >>> here and here for more information.
Internal application deadline: October 20th, 2021
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